皇帝 椅子

© RVR, 1998, dl-de/by-2-0

As is well known, the Kaiserstuhl coking plant in Dortmund, Germany was shut down 20 years ago, after only eight years of operation, and sold to China.
There, in the mining province of Shandong, the plant was rebuilt and put back into operation in 2006.
Rumor has it (e.g., Peter Liszio in “Der Kokshochofen”, 2015) that it was already shut down again in 2012 after major start-up problems.

© Google, CNES/Airbus 2021

That seemed a bit surprising to me. So I did a little research on this plant and indeed Kaiserstuhl still exists. The plant was even modernized again in 2019.
And as before, the coke dry cooling device is still more of a decorative nature.

Kokerei Kaiserstuhl

Kokerei Kaiserstuhl

These days the last remains (coking coal tower, dry quenching facilities) of the coking plant Kaiserstuhl in Dortmund, Germany are knocked down.
The plant was built in 1992 to be the most modern coke making facility in Europe.
It supplied coke to the nearby Hoesch blast furnaces. The plant inluded two coke oven batteries of 60 furnaces each, and both a dry and a wet quenching facility.
When ThyssenKrupp announced the closure of it’s (former Hoesch) blast furnaces Kaiserstuhl was shut down after being in operation for just eigth years .
Ten years ago most of  the mill was dismantled and rebuilt in the Shandong province, China.
This relocation was documented in the exiting movie Losers And Winners.
Further images of this plant at Stahlseite.