Hoesch Phoenix Works, 1970ies

This plan shows the former Hermannshütte in Dortmund-Hörde, Germany, probably in the early 1970ies before the first continuous caster was built:

  1. BOF shop (Oxygenstahlwerk) closed 2001
  2. Open hearth shop IV ,former II (Siemens-Martin Stahlwerk IV, ehem. II) prob. closed in 1971
  3. Steel foundry (Stahlgiesserei) closed 1987
  4. Plate storage (Blechlagerhalle)
  5. Rolling mill 900  (900er Strasse)
  6. Blooming/slabbing mill (Blockbrammenstrasse) closed prob. 1985
  7. Heavy plate mill (Grobblechstrasse) closed 1982
  8. Finishing (Adjustage West)
  9. Finishing (Adjustage Ost)
  10. Roller lathe (Walzendreherei)
  11. Repair shop (Mechanische Werkstatt)
  12. Welding (Schweisserei)
  13. Forge (Pressbau)
  14. Slag mill (Schlackenmühle)
  15. Soaking pits (Tieföfen)
  16. Main storage (Zentrallager)

Today the area is transformed into a lake.
Some inside views.